incorrect pricing Sale and repurchase of investment units Preparation of mutual fund reports Scheme amendment Increases in registered capital and scheme capital Classification of investment units Conversion
Calculation and announcement of net asset values (NAV) Procedures for incorrect pricing Sale and repurchase of investment units Preparation of mutual fund reports Scheme amendment Increases in registered
mutual fund Prescription of additional rules Calculation and announcement of net asset values (NAV) Procedures for incorrect pricing Sale and repurchase of investment units Preparation of mutual fund
Calculation and announcement of net asset values (NAV) Procedures for incorrect pricing Sale and repurchase of investment units Preparation of mutual fund reports Scheme amendment Increases in registered
incorrect pricing Sale and repurchase of investment units Preparation of mutual fund reports Scheme amendment Increases in registered capital and scheme capital Classification of investment units Conversion
Calculation and announcement of net asset values (NAV) Procedures for incorrect pricing Sale and repurchase of investment units Preparation of mutual fund reports Scheme amendment Increases in registered
net asset values (NAV) Procedures for incorrect pricing Sale and repurchase of investment units Preparation of mutual fund reports Scheme amendment Increases in registered capital and scheme capital
incorrect pricing Sale and repurchase of investment units Preparation of mutual fund reports Scheme amendment Increases in registered capital and scheme capital Classification of investment units Conversion
documents, or made incomplete or incorrect accounts, she shall be liable to 5-year imprisonment for each count for 122 counts. Since the defendant pleaded guilty, the court reduced the punishments by half
, failing to perform duties responsibly, and consenting to preparation of incorrect accounting records. The nine offenders are: (1) Miss Neeranuch Na Ranong, former vice chairman and chief executive director