income fund* SEC, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included
income fund* SEC, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included
income fund* SEC, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included
income fund* SEC, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of
income fund* SEC, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included
income fund* SEC, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included
and Digital Technology Division, participated in SFF panel discussions. These included a session with digital asset regulators titled, “Viewing Today’s Crypto-asset Markets through Regulatory Lenses
retroactively from the date of the Bondholders’ Meeting No. 2/2024. During the interest deferral period, the company would pay an additional interest of 0.50% per year to be included in the calculation for
information of every fund, summarized information of every fund and warnings must be included. The fund?s significant information must be concise and sufficient in a format suitable for advertisement and must