appeared to the SEC Office that any person possessed prohibited characteristics of Group 3 more than 10 years or such fact is not severe to the level of untrustworthy or credibility for being an appraisal
ภาพื่ทุ่เกิดข้ึนอย์่างฉับพื่ลัน เป็นครังคราว (acute physical risk) • ราย์ได้ลดลงจากความส่ามารถในการผู้ลิต้ ทุ่ลดลง เน่องจากปัญห้าในการข้นส่่ง ห้ร่อ การส่ะดุดข้องห้่วงโซึ่่อุปทุาน • ราย์ได้ลดลงและต้้นทุนุ
case of suspension order for a period not more than the period of approval; (3) in case the demeanor, being within the scope of prohibited characteristics in Group 3 under Clause 31, is not severe or has
, and the facts of the case reasonably show that the act leading to the lack of qualifications or the possession of prohibited characteristics of such person is not so severe to the extent of preventing
IVL as a whole in 2019. o Sharp decline in crude prices (high of $ 83/bbl in 3Q18 versus low of 54/bbl in 4Q18) as we entered in to the weak season led to accelerated destocking in the integrated PET
experiencing sharp decline of global crude price between November to December 2018. 3. BCP T r a d i n g Pte., Ltd. increased its revenue by 37% from Q4/2018 from increased trading transaction of petroleum
million, resulting from the sharp rise in average crude oil price during the quarter, while in Q2/2017 recorded an inventory loss in the amount of THB 1,010 million (included LCM of THB 7 million). Average
bring about multiple risks that are more severe, more complex, and with a more Given the hyperconnectedness of businesses within the ecosystem, businesses may gain benefits but may also be exposed to
time last year. Industrial sales volume increased by 23 million liters (+4%) due to the same period of the previous year where Thailand experienced a severe drought which significantly reduced fuel
more than the period of approval; (3) in case the demeanor, being within the scope of prohibited characteristics in Group 3 under Clause 31, is not severe or has occurred for more than 10 years up to the