following criteria: (1) the amendment to the trust instrument under Section 20 or Section 21, the removal of the trustee under Section 23(2), the appointment of the new trustee under Section 24 or filing of
beneficiaries, exercise of such beneficiaries right under this Act shall be under the following criteria: (1) the amendment to the trust instrument under Section 20 or Section 21, the removal of the trustee under
agency in charge of the supervision of derivatives exchange or financial institution. SECTION 62. In addition to the ground for removal from office as specified by the Public Limited Companies Act, a
agency in charge of the supervision of derivatives exchange or financial institution. SECTION 62. In addition to the ground for removal from office as specified by the Public Limited Companies Act, a
(Sustainable resource extraction) มกีารจัดการทรพัยากรเพื่อปอ้งกันการแสวงหาประโยชนเ์กินความจําเปน็ การจัดการขยะและของเสยี (Waste management) การลดของเสยีจากการเนา่เสยี การใชป้ระโยชนจ์ากผลิตภัณฑ์ผลพลอยได้ เพิม่
the Bank of Thailand, including elimination of the Foreign Exchange Transaction Form, with implementation expected by the end of this year. Criteria for Supervision of Financial Conglomerates The Bank
Pty. Ltd., BCP Energy International Pte. Ltd., BCP Innovation Pte. Ltd., BCPR Co., Ltd. and share of profit from associated companies 6/ Others items and elimination 7/ Q2/2018 financial statement was
associated companies 6/ Others items and elimination As for performance in Q4/2019, Bangchak Corporaiton Plc. (“the company”) and its subsidiaries earned revenue from selling of goods and rendering of service
Pte. Ltd., BCP Innovation Pte. Ltd., BCPR Co., Ltd. and share of profit from associated companies 6/ Others items and elimination As for performance in Q1/2020, Bangchak Corporaiton PLC. (The company
of Nido Petroleum Pty. Ltd., BCP Energy International Pte. Ltd., BCP Innovation Pte. Ltd., BCPR Co., Ltd. and share of profit from associated companies 6/ Others items and elimination As for the