, as an essencial factor in business operation, listed companies are forced to face more challenges, whether in generating returns to the businesses among changing envornment, technologies or increasing
returns, or illegally using the images and/or names of executives of capital market organizations to lure individuals into investing, etc. The SEC has therefore opened the Investment Scam Hotline
where there are many types of investment units, the criteria and method for classification of investment units; (b)1 rights and returns to be received by unitholders and the dividend payment policy for
sukuk; (d) trust property; (2) particulars relating to returns and redemption: (a) objective of an issuance of sukuk; (b) important characteristics of sukuk indicating rights, conditions, and rates or
offered units of the CIS; nor contain any assurance in relation to the value or returns on the offered units of the CIS; nor shall certify the accuracy and completeness of information contained in the
to types, characteristics, structures, goods or variable and conditions of the derivatives; (3) benefits or returns and profit or loss which the clients will receive from entering into derivatives
, characteristics, structures, goods or variable and conditions of the derivatives; (3) benefits or returns and profit or loss which the clients will receive from entering into derivatives transaction including the
, characteristics, structures, goods or variable and conditions of the derivatives; (3) benefits or returns and profit or loss which the clients will receive from entering into derivatives transaction including the
savings deposits to invest in investments. Short-term in low-risk mutual funds To manage returns better than savings deposits 1.2 Increased temporary investments as at March 31, 2019 and March 31, 2018
has increased by 1.25mb or 57.3% to 3.43mb (Q1 2018 : 2.18mb) as a result of better returns from our investments, as well as improvements in surplus cash management where we have invested surplus cash