68.56 Million or 12.59% due to rubber glove customers expand production line, demand on using glove increases by Corona Virus 2019 (COVID-19) and demand on packaging increases by foods delivery. - Cost of
1,111.09 Million Baht in 2018 to 1,076.93 Million Baht in 2019 a decreased of 34.16 Million Baht or 3.07% due to even through rubber glove industry expand production line but frozen foods, canning have not
System (“OFAM”). In addition, the amendment would expand channels for announcement of dividend payment such as websites of asset management companies. The paperless https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages
investors? interest. In addition to its current focus on local shareholder protection, TIA will expand its efforts to cover protection for investors of other financial products as well as foreign securities
attentiveness and accumulate knowledge of market personnel regarding developments in international capital markets, promote academic opportunities and expand perspectives of such personnel through global
currently more than 9,000 funds, or check whether any juristic person or person is properly licensed or approved in the capital market. By 2018 SEC aims to expand the scope of data services to be more
to pass the test on basic knowledge, rules and regulations and knowledge on specific product which investor contact intends to be a seller. If intending to expand scope of duty to additional product
- retail investors. The greater extent of offering to retail investors will not only widen investment alternatives, but also expand business opportunities for the mutual fund operators and propel integrated
to open up new business opportunities for asset management companies to expand investor bases and enrich the types of financial products offered to investors in both markets. In addition, this joint
than that in Thailand around 20%-25%. Thus, the Company could expand and increase the percentage of market in India, and profit margins for competing competitive products. However, in the past 2-3 years