from credit card income grew by 18% y-y which corresponds to increasing in the volume of card spending and cash advance. Other income from bad debt recovery grew by 32% y-y. As at August 31, 2022, the
, accounting of 14.7% of total revenue, showing an increase of 389 million baht or 13.5% y-y. Other revenues consist of bad debt recovery, which was 1,696 million baht, 19.2% growth y-y, gain on sales of written
สำหรับ การให้บริการ โดยมีเง่ือนไขท่ีชัดเจนทางด้าน ▪ สถานท่ีในการกู้คืนข้อมูล (Location) ▪ ระยะเวลากู้คืนระบบให้บริการ (Service Restoration) ▪ ระยะเวลากู้คืนข้อมลู (Recovery Time Objective: RTO) ▪ ชุดข้อมูล
รด าเนินงานให้กลับคืนสู่สภาพการ ด าเนินงานปกติ (Recovery objective) (5) ส่วนที่ 5 บริษัทต้องจัดให้มีแผนรองรับการด าเนินธุรกิจอย่างต่อเน่ือง (Business continuity planning) (6) ส่วนที่ 6 การติดต่อสื่อสาร
implemented in some areas and business activities contributed to economic recovery. Private consumption contracted in consistent with low purchasing power and confidence. Meanwhile, the tourism sector
20230208-ADVANC-MDA-4Q22-EN Classification: Internal FY22 MD&A Advanced Info Service Plc. 1 Executive Summary Maintaining growth in core products amid cautious economic recovery 2022 displayed an
household consumption index continued to expand but the recovery in consumption of low-income households remained subdued, reflecting growth in limited sections. Moreover, growth in tourism industry failed to
of $141 vs $101 in 2Q LTM 2017 The Asian business is on the path to recovery with 2Q 2018 LTM Core EBITDA per ton of $92 vs $68 in 2Q LTM 2017 driven by Asia PTA margin recovery while Asia PET
, purchasing power is still weak and no clear sign of recovery in sight. To strengthening their competitive edge in other to enlarge market share, the players have to focus on boosting sales figures rather than
our restaurant returned to serve dine-in, there was a sign of sales recovery observed thanks to varieties of promotional campaigns that satisfied customers’ need. At the same time, The Company placed