respectively. However, the quick recovery of Malaysian operations has cushioned the overall losses for the quarter. It is expected that operation in Thailand will be improved to almost 65% in the next quarter
experiencing the lowest revenue due to the temporary closure of our operations because of the Covid-19, however the recovery of production volume was seen at end of the 3rd quarter, continuing with favorable
% from those of the same period last year due to Power & Systems / Fan & Thermal Management business slow down but went up 6.5% from last quarter due to the recovery of power supplies for the automotive
operating expenses to support the group’s business expansion was offset by the decrease in financing cost on lower borrowings and the debt recovery from the securities business receivable of Baht 16.06
and having desserts. In addition, the increase was also due to the growth in the number of branches and the recovery of incoming tourists. R E V E N U E : • The Company’s Gross Profit in Q2/2022 and 1H
improvements from inflation benefiting from a recovery trend in the tourism sector, despite the arrivals remaining slower than expected. Mobile industry was affected by the softened local economic activities
being the continuous recovery of the tourism sector and from January to August, there is an accumulated number of tourist of 17.9 million and expecting to meet the target at 24 million by the end of the
result, NESDB has revised its 2024 growth forecast to a range of 2.3%-2.8%. Key supporting factors include the ongoing recovery of the tourism sector, private consumption, and both public consumption and
งานสำคัญหยุดชะงัก (Major operational disruptions) (4) ส่วนที่ 4 บริษัทควรกำหนดเป้าหมายในการกู้คืนการดำเนินงานให้กลับคืนสู่สภาพการดำเนินงานปกติ (Recovery objective) (5
from 3.3 percent in 2016 on the back of rising exports and a robust tourism sector, consistent with a stronger recovery in global demand. Headline inflation rose to 0.7 percent, following higher energy