Appendix B - I - SFC Circular under HK-TH MRF MoU prescribe otherwise. The Eligibility Requirements for a Covered Fund can be summarized as follows: (1) Eligible types of mutual fund for offering for sale
Thailand (SET) to discuss possible solutions to the AGM holding of listed companies amid the spread of COVID-19, SEC has disseminated the circular and frequently asked questions to inform all listed
On 17 September 2021, the SEC sent a circular to all listed companies advising listed companies that invest or plan to invest in digital assets to exercise discretion in making decisions regarding
centers may be lent or borrowed; (2) Types of collateral assets shall also include a) cash in all currencies, b) all types of listed securities except warrants, c) investment units of open-ended funds
comply with rules as prescribed in Clause 10, Clause 11, and/or Clause 14. The approval for offer for sale of convertible bonds under the first paragraph would include the approval for offer for sale of
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Securities and Exchange Commission) Checklist: Documents for a Renewal of Custodian of Private Funds 13. Circular 8/2548 28/02/2005 14. Circular KorNor. 34/2547 30/12/2004 Contact The Securities
Officer 9. Report/Form (Notification of Securities and Exchange Commission) Form EF-4 Revocation of Certifier or Authorized Officer 10. Circular 6/2550 15/03/2007 11. Circular 12/2547