, they will not be called to repay debts or forced to sell their shares to make repayment immediately. However, if any clients wish to transfer their margin accounts to another securities firm, they can do
instruments of which the credit was not rated and found defects in consideration of important information or factors with respect to the issuer, and this affected its capability to repay the principal and
of the ending previous loan in the amount of Baht 98.09 million (divided into principal of Baht 94 million and interest of Baht 4.09 million) with new maturity date to repay both principal and interest
29.0221 to JPY 100) which is the price agreed by both parties. 1.7 The Profit Expected to be Generated The proceeding fund will be used to repay short-term and long-term loans and will be used as working
appraisal price. - Benefit : The Company will allocate the proceed from the land sale to repay the Company's loan to a financial institution and use it as working capital within the Company. This transaction
capital increase and propose to partly repay Baht บมจ.0107537002109 Page 4 of 9 บริษทั ดีมีเตอร ์คอรป์อเรชัน่ จ ำกดั (มหำชน) Demeter Corporation Public Company Limited เลขท่ี 191/43 อำคำรซีทีไอ ทำวเวอร
planned major maintenance, the Company expects higher Availability Payment (“AP”) during 2Q-4Q2019 to fully compensate lower AP revenue in 1Q2019 if GHECO-One achieve Contracted Available Hours (“CAH”) of
end of the year 2019, the company had reduced its working hours, and focused on marketing to acquire new customers to compensate for loss sales. HV has an increasing trend due to its production starting
Companies earned profit from water management business to compensate fluctuation of profit from pipe business. The Group companies expect in long term that water management business can continuously secure
ตอนกำรสร้ำง&ส่งแบบรำยงำน BL42-ISSUE 3. ขั้นตอนกำรสร้ำง&ส่งแบบรำยงำน BL42-REPAY 4. กำรแก้ไขแบบรำยงำน 5. ค ำถำมที่พบบ่อย (FAQ) 2 1. การเตรียมการก่อนเร่ิมใช้งานระบบ OFAR เพื่อส่งแบบรายงานหนี้สินท่ี