describe how climate-related risks and opportunities are factored into relevant products or investment strategies • Asset managers should also describe how each product or investment strategy might be
last year ending 31 December 2016 We have committed ourselves to strategies that emphasized on building up strong fundamentals in order to drive our businesses towards a sustainable growth organization
insurance premiums from the adjustment of market strategies. In this regard, the total revenue for the nine-month of 2019 was 8,072.0 million Baht, a decrease of 1,219.8 million Baht or 13.1%, mainly due to
employed several strategies in order to help customers such as assisting customers to prepare the financial documents, house appraisal process, reduce transfer fee as well as house mortgage fee for the house
structure and operating which includes strategies to be consistence with economic resulting in recognized profit of company equal to 5.84 million baht which is more than recognized of loss attributable of
Subscribers as 72,000. Durin campaigns and fibre. This has Bt510 in 4Q16 International re 0.9% YoY but in M & device sales her sales of me wever, SIM and sonality. Hand ce Plc. 6 0 6 0 33 0 40
remained resilient, despite a global slow-down in demand and weak outlook for automobiles. Lifestyle, on the other hand, has been adversely impacted due to stocks overhang and impacted by US- China trade
one of the future growth strategies. The expansion plan for the first quarter is still in line with the plan. The company has opened one new HomePro S store at The Paseo Kanchanapisek. As of the first
comparison with the corresponding period last year ending 30 June 2016 We have committed ourselves to strategies that emphasized on building up strong fundamentals in order to drive our businesses towards a
for the 3-month and 6-month periods ending 30 June 2017 in comparison with the corresponding period last year ending 30 June 2016 We have committed ourselves to strategies that emphasized on building up