-performing debt port that is not much affected by the situation. The company expects that the cash flow that can be collected There may be some slowdowns. However, JMT will still be able to collect cash flow
ทางการเงิน ฉบบัท่ี 9 (TFRS 9) โดยการตั้งส ารองตามมาตรฐานบญัชีฉบบัน้ี จะมีการจดัชั้นสินทรัพยท์าง การเงินเป็น 3 ขั้น (Stage) ดว้ยกนั โดย Stage 1 จะเป็นการตั้งส ารองเพ่ือรองรับผลขาดทุนดา้นเครดิตท่ีคาดวา่จะ
(2004), dated October 29, 2004 and its amendments. The detail of this transaction is as follows : 1. Transaction Date Wattanapat Samui Hospital is in stage of study for forecasting the Environmental
assistance measures to non-NPL debtors with no significant increase in credit risk (Stage 1), if it is believed that they can comply with the debt restructuring agreement after assessing their financial status
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force and that this English translation is strictly for reference. Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. Sor Nor. 87/2558 Re: Rules, Conditions, and Procedures for Management of Retail Funds, Mutual Funds for Accredited Investors, Mutual Funds for Institutional Funds, and Private Funds ______________________ By virtue of Clause 6, Clause 8, and Clause 9 of the Notification...
Solution continuously. KT Medical Services Co., Ltd. provides health care facilities for patients with end-stage renal disease treated with Hemodialysis Machine (Hemodialysis Center) Currently, there are 6
considered as a normal level for the business at the beginning stage launching new products into the market which requires high spending. 4. Financial Position of the Company and its Subsidiaries (Unit: Baht
is currently under the stage of demolishing the office and commercial buildings on the extended land adjacent to Dusit Thani Building and the parking area of Dusit Thani Bangkok Hotel. 2018 will be a
Limited”. The subsidiary is set up to invest in pre-treatment of wastewater factory. This will help Genco to reduce its cost the treat some wastewater. The factory is now in the stage of designing and
end-stage renal disease treated with hemodialysis machine ("Hemodialysis Center"). Currently, there are 5 Hemodialysis Center (with 6 3 dialysis machines), 1 hemodialysis center in Bangkok, 3