of 4 stars hotel at Sukhumvit soi 19, it is currently on designing stage and choosing hotel brand operator. The Company targets to own 1,000 room keys within 2023. For the F&B business, in 2019, the
impacting the Group’s financial position, operating results, and cash flows at present, and is expected to do so in the future. However, the impact cannot be reasonably estimated at this stage. The Group’s
this stage. The Group’s management has continuously monitored ongoing developments and assessed the financial impact in respect of the valuation of assets, provisions, and contingent liabilities, and
completion of stage 3 investment by changing from within July 31, 2017 to complete within November 30, 2017. From the Board of Directors’ meeting no. 2/ 2018 held on February 27, 2018, the Board of Directors
PowerPoint Presentation THE INNOVATIVE POWER FLAGSHIP OF PTT GROUP MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS MD&A Q2/2019 PAGE 1 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS (MD&A) Q2 2019 For Q2/2019, the EBITDA of the company was at Baht 5,402 million, increased by Baht 3,273 million or 154% from Q1/2019, and increased Baht 3,771 million or 231% from Q2/2018. this is mainly due to the immediate recognition of GLOW’s performance after the acquisition of GLOW including Independent Power Producer (IPP), Small Power P...
process but have not yet completed according to the achievement stage. Advance payment for products and services decreased by 96.4 MB, representing a decrease of 61.3% because in the year 2020, the Company
. The delinquent account receivables for 3 months and up was 4.4% in the third quarter decreasing from 5.2% in the end of last year. For default receivables in credit risk (NPL Stage 3) was 4.8
ของยอดลกูหนีก้ำรค้ำรวม ณ สิน้ปีบญัชีก่อน ทัง้นีก้ำรด้อยค่ำทำงด้ำนเครดิต (ECL) ตำม IFRS9 บริษัทฯ มี NPL Stage 3 ร้อยละ 5.3 ใกล้เคียงกบัไตรมำสก่อน และลดลงจำกร้อยละ 5.7 จำกงวดเดียวกนัของปีก่อน ทัง้นี
ทัง้นีก้ำรดอ้ยค่ำทำงดำ้นเครดิต (ECL) ตำม TFRS9 บรษัิทฯ มี NPL Stage 3 รอ้ยละ 5.9 สงูขึน้จำก อตัรำรอ้ยละ 5.7 ณ สิน้ปีบญัชีก่อน และเพิ่มขึน้จำกรอ้ยละ 5.3 จำกงวดเดียวกนัของปีก่อน ทัง้นีอ้ตัรำสว่นคำ่เผ่ือผล
they do not accept the company’s position. Institutional investors should endeavour to identify at an early stage issues that may result in a significant loss in investment value. If they have concerns