due on May 31, 2024 which was monthly principal repayment at Bt2.2 million at the rate of MLR minus percent of fixed rate per annum - Long term loans from BBL was of Bt6,070.0 million and Bt230.0
monthly principal repayment at Bt2.2 million at the rate of MLR minus percent of fixed rate per annum - Long term loans from BBL was of Bt6,070.0 million and Bt230.0 million for the investment in the
follows: 1. Additional information to be included in the notice of calling the Shareholders' Meeting: Cash benefit to be received (the value of ESOP minus the market value) Opinion of the
No. ECF2 035/2562 23 September 2562 Subject Notification on the resolutions of the Board of Directors’ Meeting approving the purchase of the ordinary shares in KPN Academy Company Limited, the increase of registered capital, the issuance and the allocation of the newly-issued shares to specific persons (Private Placement) and the convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2019 (additional) To Director and Manager The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure 1. Information M...
No. ECF2 035/2562 23 September 2562 Subject Notification on the resolutions of the Board of Directors’ Meeting approving the purchase of the ordinary shares in KPN Academy Company Limited, the increase of registered capital, the issuance and the allocation of the newly-issued shares to specific persons (Private Placement) and the convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2019 (2nd additional) To Director and Manager The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure 1. Informati...
, 2018 which was every 3 months, principal repayment: Baht 6.25 million/period (the last repayment will be made for remaining principal) at rate of MLR minus percent of fixed rate per annum - Long term
, 2018 which was every 3 months, principal repayment: Baht 6.25 million/period (the last repayment will be made for remaining principal) at rate of MLR minus percent of fixed rate per annum - Long term
money will mainly be used to repay debts and the rest will be used as working capital. Attachment 1 Page 3/11 5. Purpose of transaction : The Company has negative cash flow from having losses from
projects. Encourages the creation of products and provides brand. Hu et al. (2019) Increase the moral hazard of the management & negative NPV projects. Add a Footer 13 SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน (Internal
year while one- third give negative returns –the latter are both continuing and terminated funds. 7 Source: Morningstar complied by Research Department of Thai SEC -30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 0 6 12 18