K10) and access to a new customer base. While the effect of the acquisition on the financial results in the first quarter is negative ( 5mTHB one-shot acquisition Golden Lime Public Company Limited 3
action process to decrease the proportion shareholding in beauty business to reduce the negative impact to the Company. The Company; therefore, has a plan to acquire land and buildings to do the new
concern about the possible negative impact if they join the project and have to disclose the adjustment information. No adjustment 17% 1- 5 adjustments 33% More than 5 adjustments 50% 10.52 transactions per
increase in gross profit of Food Coating for THB 15.14 million and Flavor & Fragrance for THB 63.86 million. 2. GROSS PROFIT FROM HOTEL OPERATIONS In 2019, the negative gross margin of hotel operations was
negative gross margin of hotel operations was THB 17.38 million, equaled to 19.69% of the total revenue from operations. The hotel operations had the negative gross margin increased of THB 6.62 million or by
Calculation Formula 1. Net Tangible Asset (NTA) = Not applicable, as the NTA of the Company is in negative. 2. Net Profit = Not applicable, as the negative net profit 3. Total Value of Consideration = Amount
and its subsidiaries Not applicable due to negative NTA 2. Net Profit (Net profit of target company X % holding)*100 / Net profit of the listed company and its subsidiaries Not applicable due to
net profit margin ratio was -11.7 (negative). Loss for the period attributable to Equity holder of the Company was THB 11 million and net profit margin (Portion of the Company's shareholders) ratio was
Million or 62.94%and Gross Profit Margin was 44.98, which came from main business unit as following: The Gross Profit Margin of the business of food supplements health was 38.66% The Negative Gross
GHG footprint is in line with decarbonization pathways for the power sector compatible with delivering the Paris Agreement, and 2) demonstrate the project is not having a negative impact on the