SEC and the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) are developing a bilateral agreement for cross-border fund offerings under the HK-TH MRF project with the main objective of facilitating mutual
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Thai Mutual Recognition of Funds × Home > กฎหมาย / กฎเกณฑ์ > สรุปกฎเกณฑ์ > กองทุน > Cross-border
. ASEAN CIS to be offered must share similar substances with mutual funds allowed to establish in Thailand and be offered for sale through ASEAN CIS selling agent which is a licensed securities broker
, Japan on regulatory frameworks and seek cross-border business opportunity between the two capital markets. Apart from the FSA, Japan and the SEC exchange of Letters for Cooperation, on the private sector
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Bangkok, August 21, 2014 ? The SEC is seeking public comment on revised draft regulations on services in investment products denominated foreign currencies to facilitate cross-border investment. The
as regulatory cooperation in relation to the cross-border offering of eligible Hong Kong and Thai funds.In addition, the two regulators have agreed to expedite the approval process of a local feeder
. The increase in demand by air freight, in particular, encouraged the cross-border land transportation (CBS) business to turn a profit on the net loss last year. This contributed to a significant growth