. The increase in demand by air freight, in particular, encouraged the cross-border land transportation (CBS) business to turn a profit on the net loss last year. This contributed to a significant growth
Financial expenses 1.76 0.30% 1.60 0.33% 0.16 9.98 Share of losses from associates 0.17 0.03% 0 0% 0.17 100 Income tax 8.12 1.37% 6.92 1.42% 1.21 17.44 Net profit 21.14 3.58% 37.03 7.61% (15.89) (42.92
in the electronic customer group. In the air freight segment and increased revenue from Cross Border Service which can be classified as follows Unit : million baht Service For the three-month period
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fund supervisors No. Nor Jor. ( Wor) 6/2564 Re: Delivery of copies of notifications and clarificatory notes to the cross-border offering of funds between Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the
brokerage, securities dealing or undertaking of investment units All mutual fund supervisors No. Nor Jor.(Wor) 6/2564 Re: Delivery of copies of notifications and clarificatory notes to the cross-border