“Institutional Investor Corporate Awards 2020” organized by Alpha Southeast Asia including “Most Organized Investor Relations”, “Strongest Adherence to Corporate Governance”, and “Most Consistent Dividend Policy
securitisation market for solar assets through gradual investor education on asset performance and familiarity. Table 1 provides an overview of these potential bond-types, issuers, and revenue streams of bonds
bonds by their issuers. Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI): An investor-focused not-for-profit organisation, promoting large-scale investments that will deliver a global low carbon and climate resilient
ดการกองทนุมแีนวทางการบรหิารพอรต์การลงทนุภายใตแ้นวคดิ “Universal Investor” ดว้ยความเชือ่ทีว่า่ภาพรวมของ ระบบเศรษฐกจิที่ดี ย่อมนําไปสู่มูลค่าอนาคตที่สูงขึน้ของพอร์ตการลงทุนที่มีการกระจายความเสีย่งที่เหมาะ
has to recognize net income for discontinued operations separate from detail normal profit and loss statement.As beauty industry is still growth, this motivates new investor to entry into this business
has to recognize net income for discontinued operations separate from detail normal profit and loss statement.As beauty industry is still growth, this motivates new investor to entry into this business
December 31, 2017 by Bt326.3 million or 4.3%. Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, Signed (Mr. Prakobkiat Ninnad) Managing Director Investor Relations Division, Finance and Accounting Department
proceeds from last year fund-raising activities were utilized for the investment of 1st Phase Development of Crossroads. Singha Estate Investor Relations choenporn.s@singhaestate.co.th Tel: +662 050-5555 Ext
(Mr. Prakobkiat Ninnad) President Investor Relations Division, Finance and Accounting Department, Tel 0-2834-8914, Fax 02-834-8931
Kittitrakulkarn) Company Secretary Mr. Panya Chutisiriwong Group Investor Relations JMT Network Services Public Company Limited Email: panya@jaymart.co.th