Debt-to-Equity Ratio (x) 0.18 0.20 (0.02) Payment to suppliers resulted in lower total liabilities For more information, please contact: Boontharika Boonkhum, Investor Relations Tel: 02-300-4807, E-mail
incremental in account payable. For more information, please contact: Boontharika Boonkhum, Investor Relations Tel: 02-300-4807, E-mail:
โปรดทรำบ ขอแสดงควำมนับถือ (นำงสำวลัดดำ วรุณธำรำกุล) เลขำนุกำรบริษัท นำยปัญญำ ชุตสิริวิงศ ์ Group Investor Relations ฝ่ำยนักลงทนุสัมพนัธ ์ บรษิัท เจมำรท์ จ ำกดั (มหำชน) mailto:panya
profit. Debt-to-Equity Ratio (x) 0.11 0.09 0.02 Slightly increase from incremental in account payable and other payable. For more information, please contact: Boontharika Boonkhum, Investor Relations Tel
have been informed for your acknowledgement Sincerely Yours, - Singed - (Mr.Wongsakorn Kittitrakulkarn) Company Secretary Investor Relations Department JMT Network Services PCL.
Estate Investor Relations Tel: +662 050-5555 Ext.510 Email:
participants should strive toward in order to improve investor protection and the fairness, efficiency and transparency of securities markets, and reduce systemic risk. The Principles apply to all types of CRAs
Waruntharakul) Company Secretary Mr. Panya Chutisiriwong Group Investor Relations Jaymart Public Company Limited
Investor Relations, JMT Network Services Public Company Limited
new TFRS16 and dividend payment. For more information, please contact: Investor Relations Department Tel: 02-300-4951 Ext. 5109, E-mail: