from interest of trust receipts from the purchase of raw materials. The Company therefore earned net profit in Q3/2019 and year 2018 amounting THB 2.4 MB and THB 1 1 .9 MB respectively. Net profit of the
insufficient inventory space. The cost per unit therefore increased significantly. Which the company has already built a factory to solve the said problem. However, the company could maintain the level of
oriented growth companies and to balance any increase in leveraging. The updated G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance (the Principles) therefore provide a very timely and tangible contribution to the
yoy. Last year, the Company was in the process of listing in SET. thereby incurred high amount of such fee. Financing Costs Financing cost decreased significantly during 9M17 and 3Q17 because the
thereby incurred high amount of such fee. Financing Costs Financing cost significantly decreased in 2017 due to the Company and its subsidiary applied the proceeds derived from the initial public offering
in breached of the joint venture agreement and the Company has therefore exercised its right under the agreement to notify the termination of Saraburi’s responsibilities in the NWR-SBCC Joint Venture
Thailand (EGAT) at the end of 2019, but CPO price substantially increased beyond selling price to EGAT. Consequently, most crushing mills delayed supplying CPO until April 2020. In addition, Ministry of
investment advice, was negligent in supervising work control and compliance at the branch, which consequently led to inappropriate investment as far as the client's demand and risk profile were concerned. The
will advise the SEC regarding misconduct of securities analysts in accordance with professional standards thereby ensuring transparency and fairness of disciplinary procedures. This committee will
of FVC shares to 12.48 million share, or 5.14 % of the total number of voting rights of FVC, thereby reaching or exceeding the five percent threshold that required him to submit Form 246 – 2 to the SEC