. Sonthaya Noicharoen, Mr. Thammanoon Thonglue, M.L.Chaipat Chayangkura and Mr. Thanongsak Srithongkham to defraud and embezzle PICNI assets, thereby causing damages to the company. The public prosecutor
Sawaengha, Silom Planner Co., Ltd. (“Silom”), Mr. Sonthaya Noicharoen, Mr. Thammanoon Thonglue, M.L.Chaipat Chayangkura and Mr. Thanongsak Srithongkham to defraud and embezzle PICNI assets, thereby causing
remaining balance of 89 million baht. This item was according to a share purchasing termination agreement with a limited company thereby POWER shall receive, but has not yet received, a refund of the 7
beginning of 2018 respectively, thereby reducing the leasable area. Gross profit from rental and service of warehouses, distribution centers and factories for 2018 stood at THB 485.8 mm, which decreased by
into personal accounts and those of close associates for their own benefits or others’, consequently causing damage to NUSA. In so doing, (5) Ms. Varinborn Chantarojvanich, the seller of Panacee, and (6
therefore earned net profit in the year 2019 and 2018 amounting THB 35.3 MB and THB 42.6 MB respectively. The Net profit of the Company equal to 4.4% and 4.9% of total revenue respectively, decrease for
projects are delayed In terms of total operating expenses will vary according to revenue of the company. Therefore, comparing the total revenue and total expenses between Q2–2018 and Q1–2018 and Q2–2017, it
adopt to new normal standard. The company therefore expand online marketing for communicating with clients. The company has extended the product line such as galvanized paint, welding wire for easy and
2,858,433 Inventory In general, Hana's production is based on clients' orders, consequently, the majority of inventory are raw materials, expendable tools and work in process with little finished goods
, Hana's production is based on clients' orders, consequently, the majority of inventory are raw materials, expendable tools and work in process with little finished goods pending for customer delivery. The