equipment 520.8 519.55 1.25 0.24% Goodwill 19.38 19.38 0 0.00% Intangible assets 7.14 7.16 (0.02) (0.28%) Deferred income tax assets 4.38 4.14 0.23 5.57% Other non-current assets 23.2 26.12 (2.92) (11.18
Pledged and restricted bank deposits 9.69 67.36 (57.67) (85.61%) Investment properties 116.67 4.52 112.15 2,481.19% Property, plant and equipment 524.06 519.55 4.51 0.87% Goodwill 19.38 19.38 - 0.00
22.28 116.67 (94.39) (80.90%) Property, plant and equipment 564.97 524.06 40.91 7.81% Goodwill 19.38 19.38 - - Intangible assets 13.68 9.44 4.24 44.92% Deferred income tax assets 3.98 4.15 (0.17) (4.10
2 Comprising investment in subsidiary companies and associated companies, real estate for investment, land, building and equipment, goodwill, non-tangible assets, lease hold, deferred tax assets and
, consisting of current assets of Bt7,597 million; property, plant and equipment of Bt9,306 million net; intangible assets of Bt274 million; investment property of Bt163 million; goodwill of Bt154 million
) (17.72%) Investment properties 22.05 22.28 (0.23) (1.03%) Property, plant and equipment 551.36 564.97 (13.61) (2.41%) Goodwill 19.38 19.38 - 0.00% Intangible assets 14.22 13.68 0.54 3.95% Deferred income
equipment, goodwill, non-tangible assets, lease hold, deferred tax assets, withholding tax and other non-current assets. Note 3 Comprising income from rental fee received in advance, estimation of staff
) (0.79%) Goodwill 19.38 19.38 - 0.00% Intangible assets 14.31 13.68 0.63 4.60% Deferred income tax assets 4.73 3.98 0.75 18.84% Other non-current assets 127.60 117.93 9.67 8.20% Total non-current assets
; investment property of Bt162 million; goodwill of Bt154 million; investments in associates of Bt28 million; deferred tax assets of Bt65 million; contract costsof Bt149 million; and other non-current assets of
% Goodwill 87.80 87.80 87.80 0% 0% Other assets 66.45 71.64 144.68 -7% -54% Total assets 1,774.93 1,858.61 1,879.48 -5% -6% Trade payable 128.39 115.73 122.37 11% 5% Interest-bearing debts 78.36 371.60 345.48