SEC plans to issue additional requirements relating to the structure of the Board of Directors and Management of IPO companies and listed companies to the current regulations on the check and balance system (for example, independent directors and audit committee members) that will enhance the image and create confidence for the Thai capital markets. In addition, this approach is in line with the principles of corporate governance (CG), which has been adopted since 2002 by most IPO companies...
who wants to rollover the matured debt into a new one or who wants to restructure terms and conditions of the current debt into different one (refinance). In addition, the current law states that issuer
Complex Type 3 Investment Consultant
Complex Type 3 Investment Consultant
Complex Type 3 Investment Consultant
benefit from greater range of market opportunities through a more diverse range of suppliers.This innovative approach has gained the endorsement of the Australian Government as a means of supporting
Bangkok, May 30, 2011- Following Thoresen Thai Agency Plc., (TTA)disclosed through the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) that on May 27, 2011, 75 shareholders claiming to hold 72,212,550 shares or 10.199% filed a letter requesting the company to hold extraordinary shareholders? meeting to consider the matters of (1) rights offering of newly issued shares and share warrants and (2) change of the company accounting period. TTA will examine whether the shareholders? request and shareholding of eac...
Bangkok, January 7, 2015 - The SEC suspended {A}, a capital market investment consultant of Kasikorn Securities PLC., for failure to keep complete record of the derivatives trading orders.From a
Facebook page “Keep up with daily stocks” impersonates “HUA SENG HENG Co., Ltd.” : Unlicensed securities and derivatives business (Disclosure Date : 12/09/2024)
Remark: Regulatory Guillotine is the regulatory review of the existing laws and regulations. The reviewed laws and regulations that are not necessary or do not keep pace with situations or remain