SEC proposes the amendment to Securities and Exchanges Acts in various aspects so that the law would be more flexible, able to keep pace with new development and suitable for actual use. It also aims
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Following the announcement of BX (which formerly operated in digital asset exchange business) that its business operations will completely shut down on 3 April 2020 which means it will stop servicing clients who want to reclaim their assets and will lay off all employees,SEC found out that clients’ digital assets which remained under control or in possession of BX were transferred thereafter to other out-of-control wallets without client’ instructions. That actions incurred losses to other...
debts, KBank has enhanced recovery and collection strategies to better respond to the varied risk levels of different customer groups. KBank managed customers in such a way as to prevent them from
represent across the diverse markets in Asia. • Investors in Asia face unique challenges and opportunities in corporate engagement on climate • Diverse Asian market and regulatory landscapes - careful
share knowledge and understanding as well as different views and opinions on reforming laws and regulations on the capital market enforced by SEC, under the Regulatory Guillotine Scheme, which aims to
diverse products suitable for investors? different risk profiles while preparing the Thai capital market for linkage with international counterparts and increase channels for fund mobilization of business
diverse products suitable for investors? different risk profiles while preparing the Thai capital market for linkage with international counterparts and increase channels for fund mobilization of business
mutual fund under Thai securities law although utilizing different forms of instruments such as shares or trust certificates. Eligible CIS must be managed by CIS operator subject to supervision of ASEAN
allowed to specify the proportion of shares to be allocated to certain groups of investors as deemed appropriate since their target groups of investors may be different, the disclosure of allocation method