follow. 1. Date of transaction. With in December, 2017 2. Parties involved Buyer : 1. A P M E 6 Company Limited will purchase 3 rai 159.9 square yard Details of shareholders Number of Shares %registered
processing into secondary raw materials and repair) ● Composting & anaerobic digestion of green/garden/yard and food waste ● Thermal treatment with energy recovery of residual waste (outside the EU only) ● The
monitoring and evaluation of the relevance of the risks and resilience measures and related adjustments to those measures will be taken. M2: No clearing of woody vegetation over 3 metres in height after 2020
management and drought warning • Planting / removing vegetation explicitly to modify water temperatures, evaporation rates, runoff patterns Water Infrastructure Criteria under the Climate Bonds Standard
sequestration. Techniques can include soil carbon management, restoration of native vegetation, and eliminating in-field burning practices. Indirect land use Possible unintended consequences of indirect land use
, sourcing, or financial investments that do not cause or contribute to deforestation (AFi, 2019). Peatland: An area with or without vegetation with a naturally accumulated peat layer at the surface, while