. Schoeller Group is a leading European producer of pure wool and wool blend worsted yarn, having one dyeing facility in Austria and one spinning facility in the Czech Republic, with a total production capacity
ออสเตรีย สาธารณรัฐเช็ก และประเทศ เยอรมนั กลุม่บริษัท Schoeller เป็นผู้ผลิตด้ายขนสตัว์แท้และด้ายขนสตัว์ผสม (pure wool and wool blend worsted yarn) ชัน้ น าในทวีปยโุรป ซึ่งประกอบไปด้วยโรงงานย้อมสีในประเทศ
661 6664-5 www.indoramaventures.com Ref.No.IVL007/11/2018 26th November 2018 President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Report on the Completion of the Acquisition of worsted wool yarns business
661 6664-5 www.indoramaventures.com ที่ IVL007/11/2018 26 พฤศจิกายน 2561 เร่ือง รายงานความคืบหน้าเก่ียวกบัการเข้าซือ้กิจการด้ายขนสตัว์ (worsted wool yarns) ในทวีปยโุรป เรียน กรรมการและผู้จดัการ ตลาดหล
yarn order from a customer was made. Cost of sales down 1.22%, as per sales decreased. Selling and administrative expenses down 4.08%, main reason came from freight expenses, employee benefits, and
type of assets, the acquired assets still include a Permit for Factory Operation which operates fabric, yarn and artificial leather dyeing that is needed to run the company and subsidiaries’ businesses
be analyzed and explained as follows: 1 Overview The Company has been operating in textile business, manufacturing greige fabrics, through production process of yarn spinning and fabric weaving, based
analyzed and explained as follows: 1 Overview The Company has been operating in textile business, manufacturing greige fabrics, through production process of yarn spinning and fabric weaving, based on the
as a connected transaction. 3. Details of Assets 3.1 Details of IRSL 3 Type of business Manufacturer of a wide range of Polyester Fibers & Yarn products, with the total production capacity of 605 KT
mobility vertical), UTT (Closing; 1Q19E – enhances IVL’s airbag yarn and fibers business) and Schoeller – a specialty wool yarn producer in Europe. Lastly, it created the platform for strengthening its