the date when the latter approval takes effect; (b) in other cases apart from sub clause (a), the period of approval of all types shall cease on the expired date of the latest approval. Clause 17 The
vote by taking into account the best interest of the unit holders as a whole when there is a requirement to have resolution from unit holders. Clause 21 In order to properly and efficiently manage the
of all types shall cease on the expired date of the latest approval. Clause 17 The application for renewal of approval of personnel under Clause 8(1), (2) and (4) and Clause 9 shall be submitted as
apart from sub clause (a), the period of approval of all types shall cease on the expired date of the latest approval. Clause 17 The application for renewal of approval of personnel under Clause 8(1), (2
previous approval shall end on the date when the latter approval takes effect; (b) in other cases apart from sub clause (a), the period of approval of all types shall cease on the expired date of the latest
following orders to be issued by the SEC Office: (1) cease the advertisement or the sale promotion in whole or in part; (2) amend the information or the statement in the advertisement or the sale promotion
whole or in part, to manage the business of the securities company only with the approval from the Office. In cases where it later appears that the persons under the first paragraph have the prohibited
whole or in part, to manage the business of the securities company only with the approval from the Office. In cases where it later appears that the persons under the first paragraph have the prohibited
brokerage firms held today reaffirmed the industry?s commitment to improving service quality for the best interest of the investing public and the development of capital market as a whole. The three-party
sustain confidence in the securities trading system and the capital market as a whole.