"This year is another year that the ASEAN CG Scorecard has developed important criteria in line with international CG trends. There is also a revised guideline for assessing, weight change by category and item which all affect the scores. Therefore, it is gratifying that Thai listed companies are still able to maintain their leadership in the ASEAN region." said Mr. Prasan Chuaphanich, Chairman, Thai Institute of Directors.In addition, awards were given to the top 50 listed companies wit...
asset value (NAV) by adjusting the number of investment units to reflect the change in investment unit price- Allowing business operators to be exempted from conducting investors’ suitability tests if
rate from 7.50 percent per year to 7.75 percent per year, during the extended maturity period; (3) Adjusting the principal repayment schedule to four installments, with the first three
: Resolution of the Board of Directors' Meeting No. 12/2561 Adjustment of the Exercise Ratio by adjusting Number of ORI-W1 and approval of the asset acquisition transaction of the company and subsidiary
in blue. No. ORI 94/2018 10 November 2018 Subject: Resolution of the Board of Directors' Meeting No. 12/2561 Adjustment of the Exercise Ratio by adjusting Number of ORI-W1 and approval of the asset
include:- Adjusting the investment unit value to reflect the costs incurred from selling or buying assets in the fund portfolio,- Charging additional fees from the buyer/seller of investment
litigation. The company then made a request to the SEC that it be excused from adjusting its financial statements and explained the reasons of its absence from hearing the court judgment together with the
company then made a request to the SEC that it be excused from adjusting its financial statements and explained the reasons for its absence from hearing the court judgment together with the evidence of its
interest rate from 7.25 percent per year to 7.50 percent per year, during the extended maturity period; (3) Adjusting the principal repayment schedule to four installments, with the first
from 7.25 percent per year to 7.50 percent per year, during the extended maturity period; (3) Adjusting the principal repayment schedule to four installments, with the first three installments