Bangkok, December 19, 2006 ? In reference to the trading plunge on the Stock Exchange today, the SEC is urging foreign investors to pay close attention to all facts before making careful and well
period of 2018, increased by Baht 17.57 million or 22.7 percent as a result from increase in sale and the improvement of the inventory cost management as well as sales mix management in each product
dissemination of data so that investors will be well informed and able to protect their own interest.? LCA President Anon Sirisaengtaksin said: ?The AGM quality is a good reflection of our members? improvement
strategies including the launching of new products which were got positive feedback from the customers. Besides, the product segment management and the improvement of customer services were well implemented
improvement of customer services were well implemented. The Company’s gross profit in the first quarter of 2018 was Baht 163.66 million, increased from Baht 139.31 million in the first of quarter of 2017 or
and the improvement of the inventory cost management as well as sales mix management in each product category efficiently, and strictly controlled on the selling and administrative expenses. Please be
, proposing recommendations, and distributing a checklist, in order for listed companies to improve their information disclosure.For an informed investment decision, investors need to analyze MD&A in the Form
machines, as well as the decrease in production cost while there is no significant increase in other expenses. Overall, it resulted in the improvement of net profit margin for the group as mentioned. Please
-label goods, as well as the continuous efficiency improvement in product purchase planning of HomePro, Mega Home, and HomePro in Malaysia. 3. Cost of rental and service was Baht 584.20 million, a decrease
of license income and implementation fee from projects in Thailand and Malaysia, as well as growth in outsourcing recurring income. Revenues from financial solutions decreased by THB 3.21 million or