Bangkok, December 19, 2006 ? In reference to the trading plunge on the Stock Exchange today, the SEC is urging foreign investors to pay close attention to all facts before making careful and well
better understand financial products and their own risk tolerance so as to make well-informed investment decisions. # # #
better understand financial products and their own risk tolerance so as to make well-informed investment decisions. # # #
ratio under the terms and conditions, changing the limit from not exceeding 3:1 to not exceeding 5:1. The SEC requires that the bondholder representative analyze the benefits and shortcomings as well
another 0.5 percent per year, from 6.25 percent per year to 6.75 percent per year, throughout the extended maturity period. The SEC requires that the bondholders’ representative analyze the benefits
bondholder representative analyze the benefits and shortcomings as well as the potential impacts on the bondholders both in cases of approval and decline of approval for the above matters with respective
installments from 8 to 7 installments. The SEC requires that the bondholder representative analyze the benefits and shortcomings as well as the potential impacts on the bondholders both in cases of
; - Revision to the principal repayment conditions, from nine installments to four installments during the extended maturity period. The SEC requires that the bondholder representative analyze the benefits
2: Consideration for approval of the change to the coupon rate. The SEC requires that the bondholder representative analyze the benefits and shortcomings as well as the potential impacts on the
dates of the interest payments. The remaining principals of the bonds will be repaid on the maturity dates of the extended periods. The SEC requires that the bondholder representative analyze the