TALIS ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Feeder Fund ,Super Savings Fund : SSF | Offering Date : 09/12/2021 - 14/12/2021
TALIS ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Feeder Fund ,Retirement Mutual Fund : RMF | Offering Date : 11/10/2023 - 17/10/2023
activity, thus dampening Thai economic growth during the second half of the year. Other challenges included volatile foreign exchange movement and international capital flows as well as the rapid evolution
business targets as we gained wide acceptance and recognition at home and abroad, as reflected in the numerous awards we received in 2017. Under our redefined strategies for the next three years, KBank
and satisfactory operating performance allowed KBank and K Companies to meet business targets and at the same time gain wide acceptance and recognition at home and abroad, as reflected in the numerous
leading financial institution which can rapidly and efficiently cope with potential economic volatility. All of these efforts allowed KBank and K Companies to meet business targets while we also gained wide
gaining wide acceptance and recognition at home and abroad, as reflected in the numerous awards we received in this quarter. C Contents Page Executive Summary A 1. Overview of Operating Environment 1 1.1
1 FY18 MD&A Advanced Info Service Plc. Executive Summary Maintained leadership in mobile business In FY18 competition in mobile industry remained elevated particularly on data pricing with fixed
satisfactory operating performance, together with sound corporate governance, allowed KBank and K Companies to meet business targets, gaining wide acceptance and marks of recognition at home and abroad, as
ตลาดหลักทรัพย์แห่งประเทศไทย (“ตลาด หลักทรัพย์”) ทราบมติที่ประชุมคณะกรรมการบริษัทฯ ครั้งที่ 3 เม่ือวันที่ 31 มีนาคม 2563 ได้มีมติการให้สัตยาบันรายการที่ เกี่ยวโยงกันเรื่องการให้บริการโดย Elevated Returns LLC ซึ่ง