branches. In addition, there was growth in sales through modern trade channels, particularly convenience stores such as 7-Eleven, which began product distribution in July 2024. R E V EN UE : • The Company’s
restaurants. "After You” collaborating with “Nestlé Extreme” to Launch “Shibuya Honey Toast Ice Cream” at 7-Eleven stores nationwide In June 2024, the Company collaborated with Nestlé (Thai) Limited to launch
(Seven hundred sixty-one million three hundred eleven thousand two hundred and eleven baht). The sale of Shares and the transfer of claims in relation to the Outstanding Loans as mentioned above the
-minded travelers with authentic local experiences in vibrant destinations worldwide. Each hotel will include thoughtfully-designed, compact rooms with high quality facilities and a vibrant communal space
of outlets of All Café (a fresh coffee corner within the 7-Eleven store) where the non – coffee products and series of new seasonal flavors were sold and, (C) Licenses fee of the Characters Business
(MD&A) ประจ ำไตรมำส 2 ปี 2567 บทสรปุผูบ้รหิำร เหตกุำรณส์ ำคญั ขยำยกำรขำยสินค้ำผ่ำนช่องทำงโมเดิร์นเทรด โดยวำงขำยสินค้ำผ่ำนร้ำนสะดวกซื้อ 7-Eleven ในชว่งเดอืนกรกฎำคม ปี 2567 บริษทัฯ ขยำยช่องทำงกำรจ ำหน่ำย
operate at full capacity with 7 kilns ( from 19th March with 9 kilns ) resulting in record high sales volumes. As a consequence the EBITDA generated by our core limestone and burnt lime business increased
) ขนมปังเนยโสดน้ ำตำลโตนด ขยำยกำรขำยสินค้ำผ่ำนช่องทำงโมเดิร์นเทรด โดยวำงขำยสินค้ำผ่ำนร้ำนสะดวกซื้อ 7-Eleven ในเดือนกรกฎำคม 2567 บริษัทฯ เริ่มวำงจ ำหน่ำยสินค้ำผลิตเองคือ “ขนมปังเนยโสด” ในสำขำร้ำนสะดวกซื้อ 7
and its subsidiaries had completed eleven housing projects and one condominium project. 2. Rental and Service Income in the Third quarter and 9-month period of 2017 increased by Baht 5 million or 2
range of property development services with the focus on the quality of life of the residents. The emphasis is put on “Vibrant Community” strategy, social and environmental responsibility and sustainable