cases, the issuer may reach the SPT without undertaking large investment. Many investors believe that an ambitious SPT is unlikely to be achieved with “business as usual” activity, which will likely
Act or Omission to Act Which is Likely to Frustrate Tender Offer of Business (No. 2)
Act or Omission to Act Which is Likely to Affect Tender Offer of Business
Act or Omission to Act Which is Likely to Affect Tender Offer of Business
capitalism Call to Action and Next Steps Pillars of SDG Impact: Embedding sustainability in ‘business as usual’ for all capital flows Designed to enable better management decision- making, promote impact
likely to improve from the utilization of seaweed of 2019 season, the cost of which were 10 percent lower than that of the previous year after the seaweed stock of the previous year was used up, and also
Alist Private Company Limited Alist Private Company Limited was liable for its failure to prepare and submit the default report of bills and debentures, incident which affects or is likely to affect
of other persons by using material non-public information concerning the result of the last negotiation that SOLAR and Wuxi Suntech Power Company Limited were likely to win the bid for 3,200 million
market funds are likely to grow in size and emerge as an alternative for people looking for the place to park their cash.
to prepare and submit the incident which affects or is likely to affect the rights and interests of securities holders or the decision-making on investment or the change in the securities price of the