also be interviewed by the SEC. The revision of qualifications aims to uplift quality and quantity of the valuers to serve fund raising through increasingly capital market product variety while helping
trainings, support for tool development in order to uplift the overall audit quality”._________________________
, issuers, selling agents and investors. Their participation will be vital to enhance linkages between the Thai and global capital markets and thus uplift Thai capital market development. SEC Secretary
year’s campaign will be launched under the theme, “Investment Literacy for New Gen” to uplift the importance of money management skills and investment skills as a New Gen life’s skill and to raise
Uplift ดว้ยตูบ้รกิำร อเนกประสงค์ ภำครัฐ หรอื ตูบ้ญุ เตมิ SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน (Internal) 5©Copyright การพสิจูนแ์ละยนืยนัตวัตนทีตู่บ้รกิารอเนกประสงคภ์าครฐั สอดบัตรประชำชน ทีตู่อ้เนกประสงคภ์ำครัฐ ย
through higher value packages as well as cross-sell upsell to uplift the ARPU. The company is also committed to bringing more value to customers with various partnership offerings in contents, products, and
from the rainy season in 3Q but continued to benefit from increasing tourism-related usage and efforts to uplift the ARPU. The competition stabilized since the beginning of the year while operators are
) Platform NDID ธพ. บล. บลจ. ฯลฯ ผูใ้หบ้รกิาร IDP : ภาคเอกชน อยูร่ะหวา่ง DGA หารอืดา้นกระบวนการ (IAL 2.3) *กรณีตา่งชาต ิใหส้มคัร SEC account ทีอ่อกใหโ้ดยส านักงาน ใหบ้รกิารยกระดบัการ พสิจูนต์วัตน (“uplift
, Chairman of TBA said ?TBA is well aware of intermediary?s roles to promote saving and investment to uplift a standard of living and build a stable life. With over 6,600 bank branches nationwide, the
program participation as a factor adding up corporate governance score for listed companies."Vorapol added that ?In the past years, the SEC has geared full efforts to uplift professional standards and audit