trigger fund rules require that intermidiaries disclose clear information with regard to commission fees, product features and risk warnings. For example, the information that the trigger point is not a
sufficient information for investors to make an informed investment decision. Existing shareholders affected by dilution – the company must disclose clear and sufficient information in the notice calling
distributing credit ratings and reports, and for when a credit rating will be withdrawn. 3.6 A CRA should disclose clear definitions of the meaning of each category in its rating scales, including the definition
withdrawn. 3.6 A CRA should disclose clear definitions of the meaning of each category in its rating scales, including the definition of default. 3.7 A CRA should differentiate credit ratings of structured
continually carried on. This includes, for example, preventive measures against siphoning by requiring transparent disclosure of information when applying for a resolution from the shareholdersû meeting to
ขวัญและของกำนัล ทุกชนิดจากการปฏิบัติหน้าที่ (No Gift Policy) - คำสั่งแต่งตั้งคณะทำงาน ด้านองค์กรโปร่งใส TH/Documents/About Us/Corporate- transparent- workinggroup.pdf - นโยบาย
transparent, fair and free from anti-competitive situations; (2) Post-approval duties of the association: The association shall perform its duties in accordance with good governance principles and
transparent and fair management in line with international standard good governance guidelines, we are building trust and confidence of in all parties involved, including stakeholders and market participants
, is transparent with professionalism in management, causing companies to be better-known and accepted by the public creating incentives for interest in investments from businesses within the country
SEC has a responsibility for the supervision and development of the Thai capital market so as to ensure that it is effective, transparent, and reliable and is accessible by every sector of capital