นางพรอนงค์ บุษราตระกูล เลขาธิการ สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์ (ก.ล.ต.) ได้รับเชิญเข้าร่วมเสวนาในหัวข้อ “How Thailand’s Capital market can adapt to the changing world” ภายใต้งาน
with the changing capital market landscape, SEC views it is appropriate to revise the fee for undertaking business of derivatives exchange. The consultation paper is available at https://www.sec.or.th
Champeeratana said: “The landscape of the Thai capital market is constantly changing and becoming more complex. SEC’s role is to lay out directions and policies adaptive to such change and in line with the
Forms and Procedures for Filing or Changing Information on Issuing Company Directors and Executives
Act (No.7), B.E. 2562 stipulates additional legal severance pay rates for employees who have worked for an uninterrupted period of twenty years or more. Such employees are entitled to receive
employees who have worked for an uninterrupted period of twenty years or more. Such employees are entitled to receive compensation at a rate of not less than that of the last 400 days’s compensation at the
expenses increased by severance pay rate for employees who have worked for an uninterrupted period of 20 years or more are entitled to receive compensation at a rate of not less than the last 400 days from
network footprint, superior service quality, innovative products, and comprehensive content-bundling packages. Integration is progressing per plan with a priority placed on ensuring uninterrupted sales and
securities via her nominee's securities account but failed to prepare and disclose report on changing in her holding (Form 59-2) to the SEC Office within the period specified in the notification of the
securities via his nominee's securities account but failed to prepare and disclose report on changing in his holding (Form 59-2) to the SEC Office within the period specified in the notification of the