Following the discussion with TFAC on 13 March 2020, SEC submitted a letter to TFAC on 17 March 2020 to propose an issuance of accounting guidelines in response to the COVID-19 situation that
Microsoft Word - form246-2_24 Nov 2020_PP Ordinary Shares)_PP 1 Report of the Acquisition or Disposition of Securities (Form 246-2) 1. The business’ name: T.KRUNGTHAI INDUSTRIES PUBLIC CO.,LTD
any loss or damages arising out of or in connection with its use. Ministerial Regulation Concerning Granting of Approval for Undertaking Securities Business B.E. 2551 (as amended) By the virtue of
advice for going public, get exemption of application fee for an approval of public offering of shares and application fee for listing of ordinary shares as listed securities from the SEC and the SET
the spread of the disease and have not been out since March. Revenue by type Due to the covid-19 virus spread, the government has issued a policy to close the establishment since the end of March 2020
efficiency to highlight the supportive role of the capital market in developing economy. Major achievements carried out by the SEC were raising the quality of disclosure in capital market up to international
; whereas Section 60 of the Securities and Exchange Act (No.4) B.E. 2551 specifies the duty of the Securities and Exchange Commission as the Capital Market Supervisory Board, the SEC hence sets out the
; whereas Section 60 of the Securities and Exchange Act (No.4) B.E. 2551 specifies the duty of the Securities and Exchange Commission as the Capital Market Supervisory Board, the SEC hence sets out the
scope of rules and regulations which would serve as standards for derivatives fund management must be set out for the supervision of the derivatives business in the category of derivatives fund management
which would serve as standards for derivatives fund management must be set out for the supervision of the derivatives business in the category of derivatives fund management to make the management that