Fund Manager
Derivatives Investment Manager
Fund Manager
Derivatives Investment Manager
นายวิบูลย์ ภัทรพิบูล ผู้ช่วยเลขาธิการ สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์ (ก.ล.ต.) พร้อมด้วยผู้บริหารและพนักงาน เข้าร่วมกิจกรรมเดิน-วิ่ง “GOOD GUY RUN 2022” เพื่อรณรงค์ส่งเสริม
the shares.) Shareholding structure after the completion of shares selling: VI holds shares in proportion of 100 percent Director Structure: 1) Mr. Christian Guy Funding Source: Working capital of the
the brands: Shiseido Professional, Zotos and BSC Hair Care Clothes: Comprising of lingerie, nightwear and lady sport wear under the brands Guy Laroche, G&G and Gunze Musical Instruments: Comprising of
internet trading system. On that date, the SSI opening price was at 0.37 baht and remained unchanged until {A} started trading. His trading inflated the SSI share price to 0.41 baht, the highest level of the
shares at the acquired price on the same trading day was not new and was taken into the Sub-Committee?s consideration. The Sub-Committee?s opinion therefore remains unchanged. In addition, the fact that
was attributable to the Company has some fixed costs that unchanged irrespective of the revenue. Distribution costs The Company booked distribution costs amounting to Baht 1.87 million and Baht 2.82