provide better access to the markets. The introduction of new platform and services inevitably put pressure on traditional business operators to compete with new wave of competitors in financial services
does not necessarily mean 1:1 ratio.
inevitably brought down the average selling prices, thus affecting sales revenue of wholesales/ retails. And the slow economic growth in ASEAN markets stemming from Global economy slowdown in 2019 also lowered
. Therefore, its sales revenue was unavoidably impacted. Though the lockdown was gradually released since 17 May 2020, purchase power of consumers remained stay in low level. According to the economic factors
system, especially big companies and financial institutions, inevitably disclose the impacts on climate in accordance with Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) which has four main
-term investment in mutual funds for their retirement. Equity funds with higher total expense ratio (TER) may not necessarily provide higher returns while those with better performance and lower TER are
market.? Hence, we take all factors, such as growth, market development, social changes and disruptive technologies, into account in discharging such duty. These changes inevitably affect the way funds are
. “Moreover, SEC is well aware that, in rendering services, business operators in capital market inevitably need to access personal data of customers. The business sectors in capital market, especially the
budgets to do CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) instead. These are the main reasons that inevitably affects the Company's revenue and business performance. The Impact of the COVID-19 situation Risk
SEC as well. Preparation and disclosure of Form 56-1, although not necessarily be lengthy or extremely detailed, must contain adequate and accurate information in materiality and be made in a timely