Teratanavat, (3) Mr. Vijchu Chantatab, and (4) Mrs. Shanya Pengpunpat had collusively manipulated share price and/or trading volume of the Market for Alternative Investment (mai)-listed TIGER between 24-29
and found that {A} had been authorized by his clients to make securities trading decisions on the client's behalf. He submitted trading orders with high trading volume for a certain period of time. {A
strictly monitor and supervise their investment consultants to follow such requirements, the SEC may consider that they have inefficient compliance systems and may pursue further actions.?The trading volume
strictly monitor and supervise their investment consultants to follow such requirements, the SEC may consider that they have inefficient compliance systems and may pursue further actions.?The trading volume
strictly monitor and supervise their investment consultants to follow such requirements, the SEC may consider that they have inefficient compliance systems and may pursue further actions.?The trading volume
F2 Trading Corp : Unlicensed digital asset business (Disclosure Date : 09/08/2019)
GenesisTrade Trading Fund : Unlicensed securities and derivatives business (Disclosure Date : 22/11/2019)
F2 Trading Corp : Unlicensed digital asset business (Disclosure Date : 09/08/2019)
GenesisTrade Trading Fund : Unlicensed securities and derivatives business (Disclosure Date : 22/11/2019)
to take action against alleged insider trading of certain listed securities where a group of persons gained multi-million baht of benefits by purchasing such securities with information on change of