rendered a judgement in the Red Case No. Por. 5396/2562, wherein the defendant was required to pay (1) a civil penalty, 1.25 times the benefits that the defendant received or would have received from
information to sell IFEC shares, to pay civil penalty and compensation for the benefits gained from committing the offense. However, Suphanan did not agree to comply with the civil sanction. Later, on 27
รวมทั้งไมกระทําการที่จะเปนการกอใหเกิดความขัดแยงทางผลประโยชน หลักการทําหนาที่ ดังกลาวนี้ อาจเรียกโดยรวมวา Fiduciary duty 3. หลักการติดตามทรัพยสินคืน (Tracing) ในกรณีที่ทรัสตีจัดการกองทรัสตไม
by thriving exports and tourism. Manufacturing production fared better, in line with manufacturing sector indicators tracing the promising trends in core economies. Against this backdrop, KResearch
delegate to examine or verify the correctness of the portion of income the fund received under the agreement and to submit reports or relevant information to the management company for the purpose of tracing
delegate to examine or verify the correctness of the portion of income the fund received under the agreement and to submit reports or relevant information to the management company for the purpose of tracing
submit reports or relevant information to the management company for the purpose of tracing and verifying the correctness of the portion received (6) if the payment for the infrastructure asset will be
Mr.Boonchoke Thiratarakorn . 31/10/2024 agreed to comply with civil penalties determined by the Civil Penalty Committee as follows : - a civil monetary penalty of
Mr. Booncherd Santudpanich . 31/10/2024 agreed to comply with civil penalties determined by the Civil Penalty Committee as follows : - a civil monetary penalty of
Mr. Suwit Jiraphongtrakul . 31/10/2024 agreed to comply with civil penalties determined by the Civil Penalty Committee as follows : - a civil monetary penalty of