Bangkok, 6 January 2023 – The Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced appointments and rotations of departmental directors to meet the new organizational structure
There have been a large number of holding companies that issue IPOs. These companies conduct various types of businesses and comprise many affiliates, both in Thailand and in other countries. In each group of companies, an affiliate acting as the central company is the one whichsets out policies and business directions for all affiliates and associated companies within that group of companies. The current rules require both the issuers as well as all affiliates that engage in the main bus...
แบบรับทราบความเสี่ยง (Structure Note)
the 20-year National Strategy amid the changing ecosystem.” According to the new corporate structure, there are two additional work divisions, namely (1) Digital Transformation and Internal
structure that enables effective oversight and management of risks as well as more efficient systems and mechanisms to control their business management and operations. Consequently, it is expected that DA
attend the shareholders? meetings and exercise their voting right to protect their own interest.?The following information provided in the prospectus shuould be taken into serious consideraton, namely (1
the changing landscape and address cyber threats. Comments and suggestions from stakeholders were taken into consideration in drafting the amendments more appropriately. Essentially, the key amendments
, an Extraordinary General Meeting of ALP FPI PARTS PRIVATE LIMITED passed a resolution to increase its registered share capital from INR 100 million to INR 200 million, with the shareholding structure
operators. This was followed by a focus group session aimed at gathering opinions from DA operators regarding the proposed amendments to the governance structure and qualifications of authorized directors and
During January – March this year, the SEC conducted a public hearing on proposed amendments to the PVD Act to support the development of fund structure, enhance the member protection mechanism