Audit Committee of the listed company if there is any suspicious circumstance that indicates that a director, manager or the person responsible for the operation of the juristic person may have
Bangkok, 30 July 2022 – with reference to Zipmex Group’s announcement on its website regarding its submission of moratorium relief for its businesses, including Zipmex Thailand, to the Singapore Court, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) sent a written notice on 28 July 2022, requiring Zipmex to clarify the matter. Today, Zipmex Group has updated the progress on the moratorium proceedings dated 29 July 2022 on its website at The SEC has therefore instruc...
. This collective cooperation will ensure consistency in the supervision and protection of personal data in the financial sector without redundancy, while reducing burdens or costs of business operators
Pursuant to Section 89/25 of the SEA, the auditor has the duty to report suspicious circumstances that were found from the audit in accordance with the auditing standards. SEC therefore proposes
technology; (2) Defining clear roles, responsibilities, and involvement of the board of directors, including the governance body, to ensure secure, effective, and efficient IT practices and usage in the
investor protection in this regard, the SEC has set up a special investor support team to ensure assistance and advice on withdrawal, receipt of returned assets or transfer of digital assets. The 24-hour
Sukonthaman said: ?The SEC supervision takes into serious account intermediaries? managerial structure and work systems to ensure protection of clients? best interest and the overall market reliability. Some of
.; (2) Conduct a Know-Your-Client (KYC) due diligence to verify the identity of the investor or the ultimate beneficiary, proceed in accordance with (1) before approving an account opening to ensure that