unique and not interchangeable with digital tokens of the same category and type at the equal amount; (4) Digital tokens which are utilized in a blockchain transaction and issued by digital asset
and the shopping malls bare shell structures projects, 85% in the shopping mall project, 90% in office building project, and 100% in leasing the office building. The purchase of shares in Dara Harbour
สิริ จำกัด (มหาชน) (“แสนสิริ”) ซึ่งเป็นผู้เช่าเพียงรายเดียว โดยให้เช่าในแบบ Bare Shell ระยะเวลา 12 ปี (ตั้งแต่วันที่ 16 ธันวาคม 2562 จนถึงวันที่ 15 ธันวาคม 2574) โดยแสนสิริ จะเป็นผู้รับผิดชอบค่าใช้จ่าย
Principles or the Green Loan Principles. A Green Bond, Green Loan or Green Debt Instrument should not be considered fungible or interchangeable with bonds, loans or other debt instruments which are not aligned
Cogeneration plants, to be expired during 2016-2025, will be extendable or replaceable by using the same fuel as in the expired contract, and the purchase rate depends on fuel type. The ERC will consider the
Cogeneration plants, to be expired during 2016-2025, will be extendable or replaceable by using the same fuel as in the expired contract, and the purchase rate depends on fuel type. The ERC will consider the
’ refers to audit firms which are member of international audit firms, share the same name or bare its name, consistently adopt and apply its policies and procedures, excluding the Big 4 firms. Figure 2: No
Activity Report 61En INDEPENDENT AUDIT INSPECTION ACTIVITIES REPORT 2018 INDEPENDENT AUDIT INSPECTION ACTIVITIES REPORT 2018 Executive Summary....................................................................................02 Quality Assurance Review Panel........................................03 Activities for Enhancing Financial Reporting Quality.................................................................................................07 Summary of Audit Inspection Results A. Firm-Le...
จิทลั สิริฮบั A เท่ากบัร้อยละ 4.50 และผูถื้อโทเคนดิจิทลัสิริฮบั B เท่ากบัร้อยละ 8.74 ตัวอย่ำงที่ 2 มูลค่ำตลำดทรัพย์สินท่ีค ำนวณมูลค่ำเม่ือมีกำรต่อสัญญำเช่ำแบบมีผู้เช่ำรำยเดียวในลักษณะ Bare shell: เป็น
be consistent with the existing production line, in order to be able to produce smoothly and replaceable with the lowest raw material available in the production line. Therefore, there may be a risk of