than to gain profits from currency dealings. The SEC is studying a possibility for an exemption for investors on the Stock Exchange and will propose further discussion with the central bank,? he added.
irregularity in redemption as mentioned above. Moreover, investors should not panic on the bird flu situation. Evaluating Government?s measures as well as studying researches provided by securities
Bangkok, June 20, 2012 ? The SEC awarded ?ICT for society? for its accomplishment in developing Mobile App ?start-to-invest? to promote financial literacy and investment knowledge to the general
successfully in the long run is a business matter that investors should study further along with relevant significant information to support their decision-making. Studying research papers on the target
the objective for thoroughly studying the feasibility, structures and details of such funds before submitting the proposal to the Finance Minister for further consideration. EMF is a tool of
mobilization and investments across ASEAN countries when the ASEAN Economic Community takes off in 2015. We are exploring opportunities and studying possible challenges for investors, fund raisers and business
comparison with foreign laws. TDRI is studying the pertinent laws in order to prepare suggestions for amendment of the Securities and Exchange Act. So far the study has covered the laws of 5 major countries
Accomplishment 19 SMEs / Startups PP-SME 300 Million Baht มูลค่าการระดมทุนสะสม ภายใต้ความร่วมมือกับสสว. 3 SMEs / StartupsPO-SME 196 Million Baht มูลค่าการระดมทุนสะสม ภายใต้ความร่วมมือกับ ตลท. (หุ้นและหุ้นกู้
) Accumulated PP-SME / PO-SME (As of 30 June 2023) Accomplishment 4 เกณฑ์การรับหุ้นสามัญเป็นหลักทรัพย์จดทะเบียนในตลาดหลักทรัพย์ เกณฑ์มูลค่าหุ้นสามัญตามราคาตลาด (เกณฑ์ Market Capitalization) *ยกเว้นการพิจารณาส าห
objective in undertaking fund management business for short and long term. Objective should be set for the short-term plan and criteria/factor for evaluation of the accomplishment of the plan should be