Bangkok, 6 January 2023 – The Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced appointments and rotations of departmental directors to meet the new organizational structure
There have been a large number of holding companies that issue IPOs. These companies conduct various types of businesses and comprise many affiliates, both in Thailand and in other countries. In each group of companies, an affiliate acting as the central company is the one whichsets out policies and business directions for all affiliates and associated companies within that group of companies. The current rules require both the issuers as well as all affiliates that engage in the main bus...
SEC Secretary-General Rapee Sucharitakul said “As of the 2nd quarter of the year 2018, the PVD had been continuously growing, as the number of employers had increased by 788 to a total of 17,866
แบบรับทราบความเสี่ยง (Structure Note)
is growing instead of print media. Combined with the rigorous policy of reducing costs particularly, the voluntary redundancy program that company has started since the fourth quarter of 2016. However
proposed amendments, an IPO issuer would prepare and disclose the necessary information in the visual and audio formats to better respond to investors? growing habit of accessing news and information from
During January – March this year, the SEC conducted a public hearing on proposed amendments to the PVD Act to support the development of fund structure, enhance the member protection mechanism
Group reported its total revenues increased in the amount of Baht 221.8 million from Baht 1,945.2 million to Baht 2,167.0 million or increased 11.4 percent. The Group’s revenue structure is as follows
/2019, the Group reported its total revenues increased in the amount of Baht 246.2 million from Baht 2,254.3 million to Baht 2,500.5 million or increased 10.9 percent. The Group’s revenue structure is as
reasons: Unit: Million Baht - The General Patient revenue for Q1/2019 were Baht 1,396.6 million which increased from Q1/2018 by Baht 192.3 million or 16.0% as a result of constantly growing of the existing