companies in the research. Meanwhile, securities and asset management companies are also urged to become a role model for anti-corruption practices as the Indicator of each business operators will be
Complex Type 2 Investment Consultant
Complex Type 2 Investment Consultant
Complex Type 2 Investment Consultant
Plain Investment Consultant
Principles on Business and Human Rights (Principles). The Principles cover a key aspect of ESG responsibility/investment and echo the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Roadmap, industry
Pittayasophon, provided an update on the progress of the Strong Securities Issuers Project to enhance the quality of listed companies and the duty performance of personnel in the capital market, with the main
performance of personnel in the capital market. These initiatives fall under the Strong Securities Issuers Project and focus on preventing, deterring and suppressing inappropriate behaviors and misconduct. A
มาตรา/ชื่อกฎหมาย : มาตรา 90 และ 95 แห่ง พ.ร.บ. หลักทรัพย์ฯ ข้อ/ประกาศ : - ผู้ถาม : ฝ่ายกำกับธุรกิจตัวกลาง
responsible business behavior and climate accountability. All stakeholders in the capital market, both listed companies and financial intermediaries such as securities companies and asset management