infrastructure. • New green technologies. • Increased temperature and changes in wind patterns leading to increased wildfire. • Sea level rise of 0.40m leading to increased flooding and storm surges in coastal
petroleum products traded with partners abroad in the form of Overseas Trading (Out-Out) , and the trade of Low Sulphur Fuel Oil products that were further upgraded to be more valuable product. The market
, conflagration, storm or epidemics. 9.5 Human-caused disaster, such as, terrorist, being caught as hostage or cyber attack. BCI Good practice guidelines High-level principles for business
organisation. 9.4 Natural disaster aspect, such as, flood, conflagration, storm or epidemics. 9.5 Human-caused disaster, such as, terrorist, being caught as hostage or cyber attack.
i SUSTAINABLE FINANCE INITIATIVES FOR THAILAND In collaboration with Sustainable Finance Initiatives for Thailand P a g e | 2 Contents 1. Foreword ................................................................................................................................................ 3 2. Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................. 5 3. Background and Motivations for Developing the Initiat...
improved only by 0.6% due to the low temperature, off-season rain and the hot storm in some areas in the first quarter of 2018 together with the increase in Independent Power Supply (IPS). The peak
slightly. Retail sales volume softened with this quarter being the low season and entering rainy season. Moreover, Tropical Storm Podul and Kajiki caused flooding in several regions, and adversely affected
practical challenges, providing valuable insights for auditors to apply in their financial audits of IPO and listed companies. The event was held at the TFAC Building on 12 January 2024.
McGillivray, speaker from CFA Institute for sharing valuable knowledge on ESG through his practical experience at a workshop and mini case study sessions with about 200 Thai professionals from the securities
valuable ESG information for use when analyzing and valuing securities. No global standard exists for integrating ESG information into investment analysis and valuation; the integration of ESG information