SEC Secretary-General Pornanong Budsaratragoon said: “The SEC launched the ESG Product Platform in January 2023, demonstrating our commitment to continuous development. The goal is to ensure that
Storagecity Platform : Unlicensed securities and derivatives businessUnlicensed digital asset business (Disclosure Date : 18/08/2021)
Platform BBTRADE : Unlicensed securities and derivatives business (Disclosure Date : 24/07/2023)
Storagecity Platform : Unlicensed securities and derivatives businessUnlicensed digital asset business (Disclosure Date : 18/08/2021)
Platform BBTRADE : Unlicensed securities and derivatives business (Disclosure Date : 24/07/2023)
In the second phase of the “ESG Product Platform” development, the SEC has introduced further information and details on “sustainability-themed bonds”; e.g., the list of top 10 issuers, detailed
Following the initial launch earlier this year, the ESG Product Platform in its second phase features extensive coverage and details related to sustainability-themed financial products, especially
Platform BTCBOX Exc and OASIS Exc : Unlicensed digital asset business (Disclosure Date : 28/01/2022)
The ESG Product Platform is an information center for sustainability financial products, developed by the SEC to provide convenience to participants in the capital market, such as companies