Complex Type 2 Investment Consultant
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Complex Type 2 Investment Consultant
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Complex Type 2 Investment Consultant
40mn customers to become paperless and cashless, and to use RLP as the key payment solution. On 30 October 2018, RLP and BTS announced the soft launch of “Bind, Tap & Ride” service across 20 BTS
duties to design, supply, install, test the M&E Equipment, and trial run, as well as to provide the O&M services for the civil infrastructure (except for the park and ride building) and M&E Systems, which
trial run, as well as to provide the O&M services for the civil infrastructure (except for the park and ride building) and M&E Systems, which it is expected to open for service as a through operation by
duties to design, supply, install, test the M&E Equipment, and trial run, as well as to provide the O&M services for the civil infrastructure (except for the park and ride building) and M&E Systems, which
ชว่งคร่ึงปีที่ผ่ำนมำ เม่ือวนัที่ 30 ตลุำคม 2561 บริษัท แรบบิท-ไลน์เพย์ จ ำกดั (“RLP”) และ BTS ได้เปิดตวักำรทดลองให้บริกำร “Bind, Tap & Ride” บน 20 สถำนีรถไฟฟำ้บีที เอส ซึง่บริกำรนีจ้ะชว่ยอ ำนวยควำมสะดวกและ